domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

European Landmarks

Tomorrow, 9th May is Europe Day. 
I have asked Year 5 pupils to look for different festivals in Europe and I have just prepared this activity where they need to investigate where these landmarks below are. We are really lucky because  due to this project, we have already visited some of them.

I am sure our pupils already know some very famous landmarks from different countries in Europe. Where are these landmarks from? Please, comment saying the number, the name of the building and the country or place where it is. 


4. This is the Palace of Culture and Science. Where is it?

5. This wonderful Cathedral in a city that begins with M....

6. This is the Br..... Gate. Where is it?

7. This is Castle Coch also called ' The Fairytale Castle'

8. Where is the Fourvière Basilica?

9. This one is in a capital city that begins with M...

Do you know more landmarks around Europe? Please comment!

1 comentario:

  1. Hola soy Alba!
    Estas son mis respuestas.
    1.The Eifel Tower in Paris.
    2.The Tower Bridge in London.
    No hay 3.
    4.Palace of Culture and Science in Poland.
    5.Cathedral in Milan.
    6.Brandeburg Gate in Berlin.
    7.The fairtale castle in Wales.
    8.Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
    9.Madrid Alcala Door.
